
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Making Time Work For You: Getting off to a good start

Experienced time managers will tell you that the first hour of the day usually determines your level of productivity for that day. Here are five suggestions for starting the day off right.

1.    How your morning starts is affected by how the previous day ended. Plan your day the previous afternoon or evening. Leave your work in an organized state.

2.    Get a good night’s sleep, preferably going to bed early rather than getting up late. Never sacrifice sleep in order to get more work done. Long term memories are formed and cells repaired during sleep.

3.    Get up early. Don’t linger in bed once you’re awake. Get involved in exercise (a brisk walk will do) to get you going.

4.    Review your plans for the day. Confirm that what you plan to do will help achieve your goals, and that the greater priorities are scheduled early in the day.

5.    Skip email and other distractions until you have completed your first scheduled task. Don’t waste prime time on administrative or routine tasks. Days that start well usually end well.

If you are an early bird, as opposed to a night owl, this advice is particularly important. Don’t spend your prime time, when you are most energetic and mentally alert, on trivial or routine tasks that can be left until later.

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