
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Going faster slows you down

When you hurry, you frequently forget to do things – such as double check that address before you leave home, or turn off the stove, or pack a lunch – that ends up wasting more time than you saved by hurrying. How many times have you forgotten to bring something to a meeting or phone someone or close the windows or pick up the mail, simply because you were in a hurry?

Slow down and you will save time. Think about what you will say before making a call, review a mental checklist before you leave home, plan each day in the morning, review results in the afternoon, update your list in the evening. Think before you act.

Drive slower, walk slower and talk slower. You will experience less stress, improved communications, and fewer errors. Haste does make waste in many circumstances. Accidents increase with speed.

Do one thing at a time. And take the time that’s needed to do that one thing properly. The same people who don’t have the time to do something well are the same ones who seem to have the time to do it over again. Slow down and you will have the time to enjoy life as it passes. Speed up and life will not only pass more quickly, you will remember less of it later in life.

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