Secret #121 Ride the Endorphin Rush
Brain research shows that when you complete a task on your to do list AND take a second to actually cross it off... your brain releases endorphins into your blood stream... thus you experience a physical and psychological high or lift.
So why not ride the endorphin rush right now? Here's how:
1. Create a list of all that you need/want to do today.
2. Prioritize the list by asking yourself, "If I could only do one of these items today, which one would it be?"
3. Place the number 1 next to that item... and then re-ask the question about the remaining items on your list.
4. Once you have everything on your list prioritized... start at #1 and work at it until you complete it.
5. Once you complete #1, take a second to cross it off your list... sit back... and ride the endorphin rush.
Or—If the above doesn't work—you can go to Starbucks and drink a 16 shot Americano... that ought to do it.
But whatever you do, don't cross anything off your to do list AND drink a 16 shot Americano... I just can't be held responsible for what that might do to you!
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